
The ASA has established the Foundation for the Advancement of Astronomy (FAA) as a tax-deductible Foundation which exists to enhance the ASA’s efforts to promote Astronomy and related fields in Australia, and to recognise and support excellence in those fields.  The purposes of the FAA are broadly defined to allow the support of prizes, scholarships, research and facilities.

Here you can make a donation to one of funds described on the FAA page, each representing a Prize awarded by the ASA or one of the Society activities, plus a General Fund if you wish to make your donation available to the general purposes of the Foundation. Please select the fund to which you wish to direct your donation, or use the Comment field to describe how you would like it divided between funds.

Non-members are welcome to make a donation, just follow the instructions below. 

Members should login to make a donation.

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* Mandatory fields

Contact details:

*Family/Org Name
*First Names
Please enter all first names.
*Preferred First Name
Please enter the preferred first name you would like to be used for your account and on all communications.
Please make sure to include your area dialing code or if applying from outside Australia the international dialling prefix - see here

Organisation details:

e.g. Sydney Institute for Astronomy, School of Physics
e.g. University of Sydney
Street Address or PO Box
e.g. QLD,NSW etc
*Amount ($AUD)
Payment frequency
Select the fund you wish to donate to